We got our copy of TI4 a bit early (given that it won't be released for about another month at the earliest) and sort of jumped on it pretty fast. Needless to say we were extremely excited! We have designed and created a foam-core insert for it, written up some of our thoughts, and released the schematics for its insert! The first insert schematics on the site! Check out all the details on our TI4 Page.

How To Sections
Along with the new insert schematics, we're adding some new "How To" content to the website. This includes tips and tutorials for various tabletop hobbies like Fixing Malformed Miniatures, getting started Painting Miniatures, and Building Foam-Core Inserts, as well as our full tutorial for creating your very own gaming table!
As always, thanks for reading and let us know what you think! Happy Gaming!
- Kelsam